Listen to the Full Plate podcast!

Each episode is created with you in mind.

Ditch diet culture, respect your body, and set boundaries.

Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#74: Healing When Your Partner Is Still Paleo

Today we're exploring a really common (and very hard) situation through the lens of a listener question: When you're healing from a complicated relationship with food, but your partner is still dieting, or may not think they're dieting, but are deeply steeped in beliefs that are informed by wellness culture and diet culture

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#70: Ask Abbie: Social Media Boundaries, Protein Bars, and Almond Moms

Today's episode is a grab-bag of topics! Abbie answers two listener questions -- one about whether protein bars are "diet culture", and the other about the "Almond Moms" trend. She also talks about social media in the context of mental health, sharing her own relationship with Instagram (posting, scrolling, and engaging), and some tips on how to create a safe space in your own feed.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#69: Healing In Spite of Yourself & Raising Kids Who Trust Their Bodies with Dr. Rachel Millner, Eating Disorder Psychologist & Fat Activist

The amazing and brilliant Dr. Rachel Millner is on the pod to talk about what's on her plate (literally, and figuratively!), her own journey with an eating disorder as a clinician, and to share wisdom and insights into parenting in our thin-obsessed culture. We also get into the American Academy of Pediatrics' guidelnes and how they will harm the mental and physical health of this generation of children, as well as future generations.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#68: How Wellness Culture Steals Our Well-Being with Christy Harrison, Author and Registered Dietitian

Christy Harrison, RD MPH CEDS, joins Abbie on the pod to talk all things wellness culture. This conversation is such an important one, as they explore how the diet culture contrived version of wellness preys on those with medical conditions, is steeped in healthism, and perpetuates misinformation about pseudo-scientific diagnoses. Christy's second book, "The Wellness Trap", just released last week, so you'll also get to her more of the BTS on her book launch and writing process in this episode, too!

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#67: Finding Your Authentic Self In Eating Disorder Recovery with Dr. Anita Johnston

You won't want to miss this incredibly healing conversation. Dr. Anita Johnston joins Abbie to discuss the magic of metaphors and story-telling in ED recovery, and how we can return home to our authentic selves to find freedom. They discuss why highly intuitive and deeply feeling people tend to be most vulnerable to eating disorders, and how to use those gifts as superpowers in recovery.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#63: Supporting A Partner (Or Anyone) Through Recovery

Abbie's husband, Jeb, is back on the pod again! They discuss how to support a partner (or friend, loved one, family member) through their recovery. This episode is focused on recovery from chronic dieting and disordered eating, but we also talk a lot about recovery from addiction, given that it Jeb's background.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#62: When Self-Love Isn't Enough: How We Can Cultivate Joy & Freedom In Our Bodies with Chrissy King, Author of "The Body Liberation Project"

Oh my, this is a GOOD ONE, fam. Chrissy King joins the pod to talk about her journey through and away from the harms of diet and fitness culture. And of course, her NEW book, The Body Liberation Project, which you should order and read immediately. Topics discussed: Chrissy's experience with dieting and her body image growing up Getting wrapped up in fitness culture and the pursuit of thinness The connection between racism, the patriarchy, the beauty standard, and diet culture Macro counting and psychological distress ….

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#61: Accidental Disordered Eating, the Binge-Restrict Cycle, and Ditching a Lifetime of Dieting

Today's episode is extra special, because it's the first time Abbie has had a client on the pod. It's so important that we hear diverse stories and the real talk from people who are "in it". Dory joins the pod to talk about her experience with disordered eating (even though she didn't know it at the time), how she always thought that she was just a binge eater and had to use "will power", the diet that ended her dieting, her experience with healing through community and group coaching, and so much more.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#58: Fat Phobia In Medical Diagnoses, Righteous Anger, and Reparenting Ourselves with Kelsie Jepsen, Fat Activist and Body Acceptance Coach

This episode with Kelsie covers so much that it was difficult to give it a title! Above all, it is a conversation between friends, and just allows for the winding of an authentic and connected chat.  Topics we discuss: We can't keep our plants alive What's been on Kelsie’s plate since we chatted last (Episode #14) Her experience directing a play and addressing representation and inclusion with bodies Unpacking fat-phobia with your therapist Experiencing a lot of anger while healing your body image and divesting from diet culture and other systems of oppression Setting boundaries with loved ones about fat-phobic comments and diet talk Trauma and seeing old photos Reparenting ourselves and thinking about our younger self Ableism and body acceptance Navigating the doctor’s office and medical weight-stigma.

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#57: Elimination Diets, Emotional Eating, and Orthorexia: Whole30 Part Two

We're baaaack! Abbie's husband, Jeb, returns to do Whole30 part two. If you haven't listened to part one, make sure to start there. Topics discussed: What Abbie and Jeb are fighting about Does dairy cause inflammation, skin issues, hormone imbalances, and digestive issues? Reintroduction of dairy and symptoms "The Pancake Rule" and emotional eating Are elimination diets safe? IBS and elimination protocols Orthorexia and disordered eating in wellness culture

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Abbie Attwood Abbie Attwood

#56: Body Shame and the Whiteness of Wellness with Jessica Wilson, Registered Dietitian and Author 

Jessica Wilson, author of the forthcoming book It's Always Been Ours: Rewriting The Story Of Black Women's Bodies, joins the pod to explore the ways in which white supremacy has influenced anti-fatness, the thin beauty ideal, and our current understanding of health and wellness.  This is SUCH an important conversation and imperative to truly understanding the body shame that permeates our society. In order to heal, we must be able to see clearly the social injustice that underpins the diet industry, the pursuit of weight-loss, and the ever-increasing prevalence of eating disorders. Jessica is fantastic, brilliant, and a much-needed voice in this space. Go order her book!

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