#AAW Blog
Welcome! I post here from time-to-time, but if you want to hear from me on a consistent basis, make sure to join my newsletter. That’s where I answer reader-submitted questions, share about events, dig deeper into topics that I post about on social media, and generally talk more about anything relevant in my life.
Baked pizza pasta (Your new favorite pasta recipe)
This baked pasta tastes just like a meat-lovers pizza, and you won’t be sorry you made it!
How Do I Stop Comparing What I Eat To Others?
Comparison means that our self-worth hinges on how we feel we are doing relative to those around us. This is where things get dangerous. If your self-worth is coming from external things (via comparison), it’s conditional upon feeling better than someone else. You’ll never feel good enough or worthy enough because there is always someone else out there who appears to have it all.
10 Tips for food freedom & body acceptance during the holidays
My top tips for staying grounded, making decisions that honor your body, and avoiding the diet mayhem.