Listen to the Full Plate podcast!
Each episode is created with you in mind.

Ditch diet culture, respect your body, and set boundaries.
#108: Nourishing an Anti-Diet Pregnancy with Bri Custer
There is a special brand of diet and wellness culture that comes for you when you're pregnant. From the “permission” for your body to change, to pressure around food choices, to beauty standards for pregnant people, we're getting into it all.
#107: Intermittent Fasting and Menopause
If you’ve ever been curious if intermittent fasting’s claims about health benefits during menopause are true, this is the episode for you. This week on Full Plate, we're digging into the claims, the science, and debunking the myths around intermittent fasting during this season of life.
#106: PCOS Without Shame: A Non-Diet & Trauma-Informed Approach with Kimmie Singh, RD
This week I am so thrilled to be joined by Kimmie Singh, RD to discuss PCOS: what it is, common misconceptions, why medical providers are so confused about it, its relationship to disordered eating, how to take a weight-inclusive and trauma-informed approach, and more.
#105: Embodiment: How to Come Home to Yourself with Neathery Falchuk, LCSW-S, CGP
What is alive in you right now? What does it mean to return to the body as the place where we experience life? The concept of embodiment has become more present in the lexicon of body image and body liberation. While deeply important to our collective divestment from diet culture, exploring your own embodiment may feel confusing, intangible, or incongruent with your lived experience.
#104: The Autism-Eating Disorder Connection and Understanding Healthism with Emma Green, PHD
Emma Green joins us this week to talk about her diagnosis of autism as an adult and how it impacts her understanding of her eating disorder as a teen, as well as how healthism, ableism, and anti-fatness intersect. We can’t talk about disordered eating and eating disorders without acknowledging healthism and ableism, and this conversation brings in both Emma’s lived experience and a discussion on how to build inclusive, supportive spaces for neurodivergent folks.
#103: Meal Planning Is Pulling Me Back Into Restriction
“How can we approach meal planning without falling into old patterns? Every time I start to think about meal planning or meal prep, it triggers me, and reminds me of dieting. But as a parent, I know I’ll go nuts if I don’t have some kind of plan to get dinner ready. I’d love to be able to find the balance between planning meals and maintaining the flexibility I’ve built with food, and continue to work on. I’m so reluctant to slip back into old behaviors and that restrictive mindset, and I guess I’m just looking for insight from you. I’m assuming you’ve had clients navigating this! Thank you so much for everything.”
#102: "The Doubt Disorder": Overcoming OCD with Jenna Overbaugh, LPC
The co-occurence of OCD and disordered eating is a topic we've wanted to cover for some time now. It was a big part of Abbie's lived experience, and something that comes up consistently with clients in her practice. It's a common overlap that isn't discussed enough, and when it is, it rarely comes through an anti-diet culture lens.
#101: The Epidemic of Disordered Eating & the Myth of Full Recovery with Cole Kazdin, Author of "What's Eating Us?"
Cole Kazdin joins us to talk about, and explore, what it would mean to truly be free of disordered eating. Not just the behaviors -- but the constant mental chatter, the critical voice, and the restrictive thoughts. Cole Kazdin is a writer, Emmy Award winning television journalist, and author of What's Eating Us: Women, Food, and the Epidemic of Body Anxiety.
#100: Debunking Myths About Hydration & Fast Food + Whether Body Checking is Ever Helpful
We're talking about what the science actually says about hydration (how much water do we REALLY need?), how eating fast food impacts our health, and whether we can engage in body checking without it being harmful to our body image.
#99: Overcoming Health Anxiety, Coping with Uncertainty, + How Food and Movement Impact Mental Health with Dr. Diana Gordon
You don't want to miss this conversation. It's everything. Big picture, we're discussing how to approach mental health in a sea of diet and wellness misinformation -- including whether or not movement and food have a meaningful impact on anxiety and depression. We get into what it's like to ping pong back and forth between dieting and intuitive eating, how diet culture seizes on our fear of uncertainty to sell us a faulty product, and how to sit with and process our collective health anxiety
#97: Dr. Anita Johnston on Being a Highly Sensitive Person & How Authenticity Heals Us
As we close out this year, we are revisiting a fan-favorite and incredibly healing conversation with Dr. Anita Johnston. Listen in as we discuss the magic of metaphors and story-telling in ED recovery, and how we can return home to our authentic selves to find lasting freedom from food restriction and body dissatisfaction.
#96: Disordered Eating in Runners: Carb-Phobia, Weight and Performance, and Learning to Be Happy Again
Eating disorders can show up in a multitude of ways in athletes. From how a body “should” look if we play a certain sport, to how we “should” eat for performance, to the inevitable comparison trap of teammates and competitors.
#95: The Truth About the Mediterranean Diet & How to Be Antiracist in Your Approach to Nutrition with Anjali Prasertong
Anjali Prasertong joins me on this week’s episode to explore what it means to approach nutrition through the lens of culture, antiracism, and food equity. Tune in as Anjali helps us think through social justice in food systems, debunk white-washed fantasies of the “perfect” diet, and examine how cultural appropriation shows up in the culinary world.
#94: Food Won't "Fix" This: Safety, Community, & Belonging in a Trans Body
What does safety in our body mean? How can we create inner safety, even amidst external barriers? And when we talk about healing our relationship with our body, what does that mean in the context of chronic illness or having a marginalized identity?
#93: BONUS: Surviving Diet Culture Over the Holidays
Well, well, well. Hello, Holiday season. It's time for aunt Sally to talk about her January Whole30, and your cousins are probably off sugar this year, and maybe your mom comments about your weight or the food on your plate. Hopefully, none of this happens; but for most of us, it's a reality that has yet to see a miraculous revisioning, even when we hold out hope.
#92: Shedding the Weight of Perfectionism & Dismantling Our Beliefs About Health with Dr. Lisa Folden
Dr. Lisa Folden joins us on the pod this week, and we go deep on perfectionism — specifically how it shows up in the worth and value we tie to our appearance, health, and achievements. We also bust open many myths about weight and health, including whether weight actually causes joint pain, if diabetes is preventable, and the long-term damage of intentional weight-loss.
#91: Living with Chronic Illness in the Age of Wellness Culture
Chances are that either you -- or someone you love dearly -- has a chronic illness. As I've shared on the pod before, so much of my mental health conditions and disordered eating was driven and perpetuated by multiple chronic illnesses. And, perhaps not-so-ironically, disordered eating itself does a number on us both physically and psychologically, only worsening (if not creating) autoimmunity and other chronic health conditions.
#90: How ED Treatment Fails BIPOC & the Impact of Intergenerational Trauma with Whitney Trotter, RD/RDN
The incredible Whitney Trotter (RD / RN) joins us to talk about intersectionality, trauma-informed care, and how eating disorder treatment fails BIPOC communities (plus, of course, what needs to be done to improve access and approaches to care).
#89: How Not to Lose Your Sh*t Over Halloween Candy
I've been flooded with questions about candy and sugar these past few weeks as we approach Halloween (and of course, the holiday season is around the corner!). So, this week, we're digging into the fears associated with candy, plus how to help your kids (and yourself) navigate sweets when eating those foods is riddled with stress and guilt.
#88: Building Diet Culture Resilience & Preventing Eating Disorders in Teens with Oona Hanson
Oona Hanson joins us to talk about the prevalence of disordered eating in our teenage years. Whether you are raising a teen or not, we were all teens ourselves once, and this episode explores all the different risk factors and red flags for body shame and restrictive eating in that very vulnerable season of life.